Monday 30 September 2013

Dawning Visions Hypnosis

Dawning Visions Hypnosis, Inc. announces its new hypnotic training course for licensed medical professionals only.

Courtesy: PR Web

Erotic Hypnosis

A new Erotic Hypnosis program designed for couples who are new to hypnosis, and featuring Master Hypnotist Mark Cunningham, will be available in October of 2013.

Paul Ramsay's Hypnotism

In a show sponsored by Campus Activities Board, hypnotist Paul Ramsay performed his “Mind Games” show at the Bernhard Center’s North Ballroom.

Courtesy: Western Herald

Dr. Jim Wand's Hypnosis

For fifteen years and counting, Dr. Jim Wand has presented his “mind blowing” hypnosis show during welcome week on campus. -

Courtesy: Patriot News Online

The Hypnosis Couple

The husband-and-wife team of Harry and Lynne Nozicka presents a well-rounded wellness force on the North Shore.

Earlier this year, the pair combined their psychotherapy and hypnotherapy practices to start the Nozicka Center for Hypnosis and Psychotherapy at 454 Central Ave., Suite 206, Highland Park.

Hypnosis to Relieve Pain

Hypnosis can be an effective tool for relieving pain, even the extreme pain associated with burn wound debridement.

Alan Alda and Hypnosis

When Alan Alda was an out-of-work actor, Alan got paid $25 to participate in a psychiatric study where he was hypnotized.

Courtesy: Huffington Post

Improving Lives with Hypnosis

Students learn how to improve their lives through self-hypnosis.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Hypnosis Childbirth

Hypnotist Marc Savard, shown at a 2011 hypnosis lecture in Las Vegas, hopes to help his wife deliver a new daughter via hypnosis.

Savard: Hypnosis will again shield wife, Joanna, during childbirth

Courtesy: Review Journal

Hypnotic Suggestions and Hallucinations

Researchers have discovered that "hypnotic suggestions" - instructions that encourage a response from those under hypnosis - may trigger automatic cues, such as for how we perceive colour.

Results of the study showed that participant number one reported experiencing a change in color immediately after a suggested shape appeared on the screen - for example, seeing a red square when in reality it was blue.

Courtesy: Medical News Today

Rapid Street Hypnosis

Rapid Street Hypnosis is a new personal development book that is designed by Nathan Thomas. This man also is the author of over 15 hypnosis training programs such as the "Keys To The Mind" program, the "Subconscious Code" program, and other programs. The "Rapid Street Hypnosis" book is divided into 10 chapters, and each chapter covers hypnosis techniques and methods.

A full overview of Rapid Street Hypnosis on the site Vkoolelite indicates that this book takes people step-by-step through the process of learning how to become a street hypnotist within a few weeks.

Virtual Band Hypnosis

To satisfy the demand of a lot of people who are interested in having the 60% discount on Virtual Band Hypnosis and to be able to accommodate them,Goldlite Hypnosis Institute has decided to extend the 60% discount offer till September 14, 2013.

Hypnosis for Hoarding

'Giuliana & Bill': Giuliana Gets Hypnosis For Hoarding 

Giuliana certainly seemed to feel that the hypnosis netted a positive result. "Oh my gosh. I am so excited right now. This whole hypnosis thing was amazing," she said. "I feel like I can go in there and get rid of some stuff.”

Courtesy: Huffington Post

Hypnotic Relaxation Therapy

Hypnotic Relaxation Therapy: Principles and Applications (Springer Publishing) is a new training manual by Gary Elkins, Ph.D., director of the Mind-Body Medicine Research Laboratory at Baylor University.

Driving Trance

Those long drives over the Labor Day weekend may be enough to lull some drivers into a trance, prompting researchers to look into ways to snap drivers out of highway hypnosis.

Researchers at the Hyundai-Kia Technical Center are working with the University of Michigan to develop a system that can warn drivers about highway hypnosis, which can reduce a driver's reaction time due to a trance-like state.

Harlequin Hypnosis Show

An unusual hypnosis show is schedule to open in Granville Island on October 15th, at the Improv Center.

The show is the brainchild of Rob Hadley, stage hypnotist and owner of Vancouver Hypnotherapy. The show uses three hypnotists and a cast of supporting characters.